
AI Question Generator

Make life easier with Ai-QuizzBot

AiQuizbot is a powerful AI question generator designed to revolutionize the way you create questions and exams by allowing you to create multiple versions of the test at different levels.

What Ai-Quizbot can do for you?


Text, Link

AiQuizbot can prepare questions in different types such as Multiple-Choice, Fill in the Blanks, True - False, Matching, Blooms Taxonomy at levels using any text, link or video....

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Teaching Tools

Quizbot can help you to design better lessons with different teaching tools such as Lesson Planner, Experiment Designer, Opening Questions, In-class Activity Planner, Project Ideas....

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Saved Question

Quizbot can code for the website you want to create and give you the option to save the text and ,deleting the text as well as edit the text.....

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